Worldchefs Educator’s Forum
Worldchefs Heritage Cuisine
Worldchefs App, On Android and Apple Stores
Have IDEAS? We wouldn't be where we are today if we didn't listen to our partners. Let's create something exceptional together. Just contact us here
Corporate Partnership Development
Worldchefs takes a concierge approach to your needs. Corporate Partnership benefits can include:
A Worldchefs Corporate Member Certificate and plaque
Company profile featured on the Worldchefs website in the sponsor section
Company logo included on Worldchefs assets, including email signature and webpages
Company logo included in Worldchefs Magazine print and digital issues
Opportunity to propose 1 monthly news article to Worldchefs website and e-newsletter with social media support
1 Complimentary VIP invitation to attend the Worldchefs Congress & Expo
Preferential rates for additional delegates for Worldchefs Congress (30% discount of full rate)
Preferential rates on booth space at Worldchefs Congress & Expo (15% discount of full rate)
Your company is invited to participate at Worldchefs Village organized at major culinary shows (exclusive for partners at additional cost)
Our programs drive our member engagement. Let these programs connect your brand with the Worldchefs community through an integrated strategy
Worldchefs Blog
For chefs, culinarians, and hospitality professionals, Worldchefs blog features food trends, recipes, industry updates, and stories from our members around the globe. Contribute a guest blog article on the Worldchefs blog or engage with our writers for an interview to spotlight your exciting products for the Worldchefs community.
Sponsorship fee: 2,000 euros
Sponsorship includes:
Opportunity to post one article of your creation on the Worldchefs blog or be featured in an interview style Q&A article facilitated by a Worldchefs writer, with the ability to link back to your website or URLs of choice
Blog articles will be promoted across Worldchefs’ social media channels and website
Trusted Brand Sponsorship
Establish your products as a Trusted Brand of Worldchefs for enhanced credibility and recognition.
Sponsorship benefits:
Worldchefs plaque prominently displayed at Company headquarters
Company represented in Trusted Brands section of Worldchefs website
Company represented in Trusted Brands section of Worldchefs Magazine
Company can submit 1 monthly news item to Worldchefs website news
Company receives 3 VIP delegate admissions to World Congress 2022
Company receives preferential rates for Worldchefs Congress delegate fee for additional attendees (30% discount off full rate)
Company receives preferential rates on booth space at Worldchefs Congress & Expo (15% discount off full rate)
Company is invited to participate at Worldchefs Village organised at major culinary shows (additional cost applies)
Sponsorship fee: 7,500 euros
World on a Plate Podcast
On Worldchefs Podcast: World on a Plate, our host, Ragnar Fridrikkson, sits down with top chefs and leading voices to take an exclusive look into the world of hospitality. Tune in to discover the resilience of our community and the future of the industry through the lens of experts.
Worldchefs TV
From knife skills to sustainability courses, on Worldchefs TV you can showcase your products and produce video content. Check out videos and series from Worldchefs and our partners here.
Sponsorship fee: 10,000 euros
Sponsorship includes:
Opportunity to feature one video of your creation on the Worldchefs TV page or be featured in an interview style Q&A video episode facilitated by a member of Worldchefs,
Worldchefs TV episodes will be promoted across Worldchefs’ social media channels and website
Job Posting Package
Promote your job openings to our community of culinary professionals
Sponsorship fee: 1x Post Campaign - 600 euros
1x job post in Worldchefs Online Community
2x advertisements on social media (Facebook and LinkedIn)
1x announcement in news section on worldchefs.org
Social Media
Social Post Campaign
Worldchefs social media channels are dynamic and expanding on a monthly basis. From IGTV to our Facebook group, you can reach our selective audience in a new and engaging way. We are communicating on the following platforms: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
Sponsorship fee: 5,000 euros
Sponsorship includes:
Two of your custom messages posted across Worldchefs’ social media profiles (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn)
Opportunity to include video, photos, etc.
Social Media Package
Worldchefs can build you a digital package to meet your unique business needs. For a custom quote, contact us for more information.
Engage with Worldchefs Community live! We offer the chance to show off cooking skills, share your national recipes, help inspire our international community of chefs with plant-based, homegrown, or zero-waste recipes, and more by going live with Worldchefs on our Facebook and other live streaming platforms.
Sponsorship fee: 10,000 euros
Engage with Worldchefs Community
Show off your brand! Send us your products for a live demo.
Expand global network +100 chef associations
Create a lasting impression on Worldchefs social media channels by going live on our Facebook page
Be featured on Worldchefs TV on Worldchefs' new Digital Hub
Sponsorship Includes:
Up to one hour live streaming session, streamed live on Worldchefs Facebook page and Worldchefs TV on our new Digital Hub site
Play a pre-recorded video live, feature a speaker, send us your products for a live demo, etc. Contact us to discuss your ideas for a live stream featuring your company and products.
e-Events and Webinars
We create online events that both Worldchefs’ and our sponsor audiences want to attend and then amplify them by sharing the created content to our social audience.
Reach an audience of chefs eager to learn more and expand their knowledge by hosting a webinar. We’ve covered topics from sustainability to upskilling, and much more. Teach a lesson or relay information about your company or brand by co-hosting a webinar with Worldchefs. Worldchefs sponsored webinars provide educational content by addressing current challenges, cutting-edge topics for the chef community while providing exposure for the sponsor to Worldchefs’ membership and greater community.
Sponsorship fee: 8,000 euros
Sponsorship includes:
One 45-60 minute educational webinar presented by representative(s) of the sponsoring company and hosted by Worldchefs
Sponsor recognition in the introductory and closing slides of the webinar with your company logo, URL link and audio read of your company/product description of 50 words or less
Worldchefs will work with sponsor to develop webinar, and provide moderator and required facilitation
One practice session with Worldchefs facilitator
Worldchefs will include webinar recording in its webinar archive for a minimum of 12 months for extended reach
Webinar promoted by Worldchefs to the membership via:
One dedicated email to Worldchefs email list of 32,000+
Listing on Worldchefs website and calendar
Mentions on Worldchefs social media channels
Contact details (including name and email) for all webinar registrants after the live event. Details will include who attended vs. registered and will contain contact information for all that did not opt out. Please note: Sponsor is limited to one use of the contact list
Sponsor’s logo displayed during webinar, on relevant Worldchefs website pages & other marketing communications
One email sent by Worldchefs to the registrants and attendees after the event with content provided by the sponsor
Full Spread
430mm x 280mm
Advertise in Worldchefs Magazine
The Worldchefs Magazine is the official publication of Worldchefs, and is distributed both online and in print. The magazine is a fresh and modern magazine with insightful articles related to the culinary community, covering views, debates and trends from the culinary world.
Distributed at leading global culinary events where thousands of professionals meet:
Reach professional chefs and key decision makers in the hospitality industry
Distributed free of charge at global culinary events
Positioned in selected restaurants, hotel chains and culinary schools worldwide
Free download at https://worldchefs.org/magazines/
Embed directly on your website or distribute digitally to your network
Full Page
210mm x 280mm
Half Page
210mm x 140mm
An advertorial includes a photo and short text with an industry update. We provide two options; you can send us content directly or you can reach out to our team to help you develop something that meets the needs of your company.
Contact us for a custom quote on grouped discounts and for more information.
Worldchefs Newsletter
Worldchefs Newsletter (Electronic Direct Marketing or EDMs) reach a growing audience of over 45,000 subscribers worldwide, including the leaders and members of over 110 chefs associations, schools, and industry connectors.
EDMs include:
Worldchefs News - keeps our community up to date with what’s happening around the globe from project updates, upskilling opportunities, member news and more.
Worldchefs Feed the Planet Newsletter - provides a guide to the latest in food and sustainability news with featured webcasts, industry updates and educational content.
Worldchefs Recommends - is a curated content watchlist that includes the latest podcast episodes, e-events and more.
Worldchefs Credentials Partnership
Drive engagement and loyalty to your organization and empower your community to showcase their skills with Worldchefs Credentials.
A digital badge is a web-enabled version of a credential, certification or learning outcome which can be verified in real-time, online. Digital credentials help organizations to empower individuals and capture rich data to measure impact and plan for the future.
87% of employees said they are more engaged because of the digital badge program
76% of business units said digital badges motivate employees and customers to develop current skills
Sponsorship fee:
Setup fee: 2,500 euros
Annual fee: 5,000 euros
How it works
CREATE - Co-designed badges increase brand awareness for the issuing organization and possess all the details such as Badge Name, Badge Criteria, Badge URL, Issue Date, Issuer, and the Recipient.
ISSUE - Each issued digital badge shows how it was earned, the issuing organization, and related evidence, all verified in a single click.
PROMOTE - Digital badges can be shared easily and instantly on social media, enhancing the earner's profile, as well as that of the issuing organization. This provides employers and peers concrete evidence of what the earner had to do to earn the credential and what they're now capable of. Employers can check against specific skill and knowledge
needs. In a time when technology and the industry are fast-changing, digital badges are an important tool to understand gaps and readiness.
ANALYZE - Badge analytics provide data on badge earning, sharing activity, earner interests, and more. Issuing organizations can use this information to inform new programs, marketing initiatives, and engage more effectively.
BENEFIT - Empower earners and enrich your brand.