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Sponsorship fee: 

Setup fee: 2,500 euros

Annual fee: 5,000 euros

How it works

Worldchefs will deliver digital badges through our platform. Badges will be co-branded and accredited by Worldchefs. As a Digital Badge Partner, you can issue badges and access user data and analytics.

digi badge how it works.png

CREATE - Co-designed badges increase brand awareness for the issuing organization and possess all the details such as Badge Name, Badge Criteria, Badge URL, Issue Date, Issuer, and the Recipient.

ISSUE - Each issued digital badge shows how it was earned, the issuing organization, and related evidence, all verified in a single click.

PROMOTE - Digital badges can be shared easily and instantly on social media, enhancing the earner's profile, as well as that of the issuing organization. This provides employers and peers concrete evidence of what the earner had to do to earn the credential and what they're now capable of. Employers can check against specific skill and knowledge
needs. In a time when technology and the industry are fast-changing, digital badges are an important tool to understand gaps and readiness.

ANALYZE - Badge analytics provide data on badge earning, sharing activity, earner interests, and more. Issuing organizations can use this information to inform new programs, marketing initiatives, and engage more effectively.

BENEFIT - Empower earners and enrich your brand.


  • Easily manage, share and verify their achievements

  • Secure verification adds credibility

  • Labor market insights connect skills with active job opportunities

  • Access powerful promotional offers and career pathways available only to badge-earners


  • Build your brand and increase engagement

  • Grow your business and improve satisfaction with employees and customers alike

  • Empower your badge owners

  • Measure your impact

Worldchefs Digital Badge Partnership

Translating experiences into verified skills


"Badges are designed to make visible and validate learning in both formal and informal settings, and hold the potential to help transform where and how learning is valued" 
- MacArthur Foundation

87% of employees said they are more engaged because of the digital badge program

76% of business units said digital badges motivate employees and customers to develop current skills

A digital badge is a web-enabled version of a credential, certification or learning outcome which can be verified in real-time, online. Digital credentials help organizations to empower individuals and capture rich data to measure impact and plan for the future.

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